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2 posts tagged with "data wrangling"

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Data Terminology - Part I

· 7 min read

As new technologies emerge and the data landscape evolves, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of jargon. Terms like data wrangling, data lake, ETL and data democratization are thrown around frequently, but what do they all mean and how do they relate to one another?

In this and my next 2 posts, I’ll break down and compare some of the what I’ve seen as commonly used data terms using a visualization bring clarity to the words. Through these posts, I hope you will get a clearer understanding of how all this terminology fits into the broader data ecosystem.

In this first post, I will focus on the terminology that happens before analysis even starts. Many people have said that 80% of the work in data happens in this part and if the amount of terminology is any indication, they would definitely be correct! 😄

What a tool…my journey learning Python

· 5 min read

I think I can….

I’ve recently been working on getting my Data Science Certificate from NAIT, which is a local polytechnic school.  In one of our classes our instructor gave us the Titanic competition from Kaggle to experience what an end-to-end machine learning project is like.  It has been frustrating, challenging, sometimes daunting, but yet super helpful.  Even now, a week after the class I am still working on my model trying to get the accuracy higher and improve my ranking on the Leaderboard.  And still wondering how on earth so many people got 100% accuracy?