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Meet me in the middle

· 11 min read

I have to say, there is no shortage of data being provided during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Every day in Alberta at 3:30pm our Chief Medical Officer provides updates, including the number of new and recovered cases.  There are also Kaggle competitions trying to get people to build data models to better understand this virus and predict its spread.  Not to mention all the research going into its causes and creating a vaccine. And then there is my current favorite site – updated daily – and it includes geospatial information (including an interactive map), age group, and gender breakdowns. 

What a tool…my journey learning Python

· 5 min read

I think I can….

I’ve recently been working on getting my Data Science Certificate from NAIT, which is a local polytechnic school.  In one of our classes our instructor gave us the Titanic competition from Kaggle to experience what an end-to-end machine learning project is like.  It has been frustrating, challenging, sometimes daunting, but yet super helpful.  Even now, a week after the class I am still working on my model trying to get the accuracy higher and improve my ranking on the Leaderboard.  And still wondering how on earth so many people got 100% accuracy?

Pretty little spreadsheets

· 12 min read

Most people who have worked in an organization have, at one time or another, come across a spreadsheet. Perhaps you have been the author or merely a recipient, but spreadsheets are still a fairly common way to share data, information, or charts. Whether you are a Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel person, it is important to consider how your spreadsheet is formatted. If a spreadsheet is being shared, the formatting should also consider what the focus of the content is and how to structure the information to best convey this message.

My journey as a data whisperer…

· 4 min read

Starting this site/blog wasn’t an easy decision for me. I’ve been doing some kind of data analysis going on 20 years now. I love numbers – you should know that about me. And believe it or not, lots of people don’t love numbers. Even worse, some people believe numbers and data can be twisted to suit their purpose. And that dichotomy has created some challenges for me. Nevertheless, I decided to start this blog to share my experiences, my knowledge, and maybe a bit of advice here and there.